Some Little Movie
- Lousy with suicides
- the unicycle paths, lousy
- with umbrellas
- the Olympic pool
- and I am dismantled
- by the love I suspect
- in the air—I can hear
- the ocean in your question,
- yeah, yeah and beside
- the crosswalk, a man
- playing an accordion.
- This can be one movie.
- This can be one thousand
- little movies like the window
- shattered into a delta
- of glass teeth. Sequins.
- Freckles. The man
- is young, the man
- is wearing a facsimile
- of the hats worn
- by those bent on
- ascending the Alps
- in movies about
- ascending the Alps.
- I fix something
- and two other somethings
- break. You know
- this, you know what it is
- to walk all the way home
- carrying a live coal,
- tripping through
- an upset reliquary.
- Like a live risk
- whose equilibrium
- has never not
- been crippled.
- You know I won’t stop
- asking by breathing
- to carry this cup
- as far as you want.